- Title
- Gas Prices for Household
- Abstract
- Layer about Gas prices components for household consumers - annual data, derived by Eurostat datasets at country level.
- License
- Not Specified
+ The original author did not specify a license.
- Publication Date
- Feb. 23, 2021, 2:37 p.m.
- Type
- Vector Data
- Keywords
- features
- gas
- price
- Category
- Society
- characteristics of society and cultures. Examples: settlements, anthropology, archaeology, education, traditional beliefs, manners and customs, demographic data, recreational areas and activities, social impact assessments, crime and justice, census information
- Regions
- Europe
- Approved
- Yes
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- Group
- None
- Attribution
- None
- Name
- Daniele Antonucci (Dantonucci)
- daniele_antonucci@eurac.edu
- Position
- Senior researcher
- Organization
- Eurac Research - Institute for Renewable Energy
- Location
- Bolzano ITA
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None
- Spatial Extent
- ---
- Projection System
- EPSG:4326
- Extension x0
- -31.2679100036621
- Extension x1
- 44.8203735351562
- Extension y0
- 27.6384792327881
- Extension y1
- 71.1841659545898
- Maintenance Frequency
- There Are No Plans To Update The Data
- Restrictions
- no Restriction
- Language
- English
- Temporal Extent
- Jan. 1, 2017, 3 p.m. - Dec. 31, 2019, 3 p.m.
- Data Quality
- Dataset available on Eurostat portal https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=nrg_pc_202&lang=en The table is merged with the NUTS0 layer. Datasource metadata: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/nrg_pc_202_esms.htm
- Supplemental Information
- Original title: 'Gas prices components for household consumers - annual data [NRG_PC_202_C]. Time frequency: 'Annual' , Energy consumption: 'Consumption of GJ - all bands', Components of energy prices: ‘Energy and supply’ Currency:’Euro’, Unit of measure:’kWh’
- Spatial Representation Type
- vector data is used to represent geographic data
- Name
- Daniele Antonucci (Dantonucci)
- daniele_antonucci@eurac.edu
- Position
- Senior researcher
- Organization
- Eurac Research - Institute for Renewable Energy
- Location
- Bolzano ITA
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None
- Link Online
- /catalogue/#/dataset/280
- Metadata Page
- /catalogue/#/dataset/280/metadata_detail
- Thumbnail
- Gas Prices for Household.png
- Gas Prices for Household.jpg
- Gas Prices for Household.pdf
- GML 3.1.1
- Gas Prices for Household.gml
- Gas Prices for Household.csv
- Excel
- Gas Prices for Household.excel
- Gas Prices for Household.json
- Zipped Shapefile
- Gas Prices for Household.zip
- Remote Thumbnail
- Gas Prices for Household.png
- Gas Prices for Household.png
- GML 2.0
- Gas Prices for Household.gml
- Legend
- Gas Prices for Household.png
- Thumbnail
- Gas Prices for Household.png
- OGC WMS: geonode Service
- Geoservice OGC:WMS
- OGC WFS: geonode Service
- Geoservice OGC:WFS
- Name
- Daniele Antonucci (Dantonucci)
- daniele_antonucci@eurac.edu
- Position
- Senior researcher
- Organization
- Eurac Research - Institute for Renewable Energy
- Location
- Bolzano ITA
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None